Hi! I am the Grade 6 teacher at WP Sandin! Welcome to a new School Year!

This page will contain useful information for the Grade 6H class as well as 7D Science and 8R Science!

Math– We are working on the unit Angles and Polygons. Homework booklets are due every Tuesday.

ELA- Students are working on writing a biography.

 If you need something to read check out “Overdrive” on the Student Links page. Sask. Rivers has an e-book library for you to borrow from!

Science 6- We are working on the unit: Electricity. Work has also begun on Science Fair for this year.

Science 7- We are working on the unit: Mixtures and Solutions. Work has also begun on Science Fair for this year.

Science 8-  We are working on the unit: Optics and Vision. Work has also begun on Science Fair for this year.

Art- We are working on some painting projects.


Ski Trip- Jr (gr. 5-8) Ski trip will be on Friday, February 10.