As the parent or guardian of an Aardvark, you are an important part of our extended W.P. family.

Our communication goal is to engage students and their families where they are, while modelling safe and effective use of social media for our students.

We are using Edsby as our communication tool to connect students, parents and teachers. You are able to report absences, view attendance, view progress reports and communicate with teachers.  We also post information on this website, and on Facebook. Connecting with the community online builds an open line of communication where you feel you have access to anything you need to support your son/daughter in their learning.

We welcome your feedback and or questions.



Assessment Policy


For a full list of SRPSD 119 parent information please click here.


Parents & Students: browse new vaping resources from Health Canada.

Talking with teens about vaping

Vaping Mechanics

Get the facts on e-cigarettes