Tyson Crawford leaves WP Sandin as the student who always replied to the question “How’s it going Tyson?” with the exact same answer every time……”It’s going”. Tyson was an active member of the Student Leadership Council and was the president this year. He displayed his leadership abilities throughout many different activities as well as on the football fields, the badminton and basketball courts and during track and field events. Tyson also invested time as a member of the Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division Student Voice committee. He provided his classmates with many jokes and laughter throughout the years. Tyson spent a fair amount of time at the vending machine and it’s a good thing he worked outside school hours as his hand-picked quote states “I’m never going to financially recover from this.” Tyson has been accepted at the Sask Polytech campus in Prince Albert in the Correctional Studies program. Upon completion of the program, he plans on applying for a Deputy Sheriff position within the provincial courthouse.